The Next Generation of Volunteer First Response

Maybe you're new. Maybe you've been here a while. Maybe this is your first time in leadership. Whoever you are, you have likely become painfully aware of something: it is hard to find and retain volunteer first responders, and it is even harder to find help leading the organization. 

Whether you're leading an EMS agency, rescue squad, fire department, or specialty team, you have an overwhelming task of not just volunteering to run calls yourself, but also maintain the records, paperwork, and logs that come with it. You've likely found yourself struggling to make it by the office to enter the training hours or complete onboarding paperwork. Not only are you barely able to keep up the basics, but trying to keep up with the modern age of technology is also posing challenges. 

An overwhelming number of newer, younger potential recruits are "outsiders" to your organization looking for an "in". Others are trying to figure out who you are and what you do. Without routinely accessible information or applications, you'll often find your organization struggling to recruit and engage with the upcoming generation who will one day keep your doors open and trucks rolling. 

The reality is: it's not that nobody wants to volunteer. It's that very few can volunteer in a world that is requiring everything out of them to survive. As a chief or officer, you are essentially running a small business in addition to your job (possibly multiple jobs), your family, your education, your training, and of course, your calls. The only way out is through; you have to transform your agency to take on the new world. But you don't have to do it alone; Nxt Gen Response is here to help you.

What is Nxt Gen Response?

In a nutshell, we are a infrastructure enhancement company for first response agencies with no or minimal paid staff. We offer a wide range of customizable services, including administrative infrastructure redesign, policy and leadership consultation, logistical support, backlog entry (or "catch-up" services), website building, marketing material design, and more! 

If you're thinking about being the chief or officer who leaves behind a legacy of innovation and paving the way for the next generation, then we are the ones to help you get there. No matter how small or large the project, we can help.